10.1.very strong light (with light control)
10.2.very strong light (without light control)
12.1.malfunctioning cross
13.1.sign that says autism
14.1.lamp I used to take a lot of pictures I
14.2.lamp I used to take a lot of pictures II
15.1.lamppost that turned off when I sat under it
16.1.my first time taking a picture with flash
18.1.sign outside casket store that says who died and bought a casket from them
2.1.ultra bright advert pannel in front of a SmartFit I
2.2.ultra bright advert pannel in front of a SmartFit II
2.3.ultra bright advert pannel in front of a SmartFit III
2.4.ultra bright advert pannel in front of a SmartFit IV
20.1.street lights in the distance I
20.2.street lights at a distance II
24.10. white lamppost VIII
24.11.à noite no campinho I
24.12.à noite no campinho II
24.13.à noite no campinho III
24.2.cool lampposts II (edited)