Political Diagrams, misc. [ACTIVE]
240704 material-factional interests 240704 spiky sphere 231105_simple.scn.049.png.xcf
220705 labor and capital, side-by-side.ods.pdf
220628.M6 material-economic exploitation v1.aoi.cfg.scn.143.png.xcf
220619 material-economic exploitation v1.aoi.cfg.scn.070.png.xcf.UNOFFICIAL
220619.M6 material-economic exploitation v1.aoi.cfg.scn.109.png.xcf
220522 discussion board subtopic tracker SAMPLE.ods.pdf
211028 Political Spectrum, Simplified UPDATE.xcf
210927 Components of Components of Social Production.xcf
210813 210811 material-economic exploitation DRAFT -- DSC_0140.xcf
210512 PoFo -- A question for our Marxists DIAGRAM.xcf
210324 History, Macro-Micro -- simplified.aoi.19.tiff.xcf
201226 3-Dimensional Axes of Social Reality.cfg.scn.024.png.xcf
200824 200823 Means-and-Ends CHART.ods.pdf
200419 Components of Social Production.scn.017.png.xcf
200205 Anatomy of a Platform-- The News Cycle.cfg.scn.047.png.xc
200125 universal paradigm SLIDES TEMPLATE.pptx.pdf.xcf
200122 Anatomy of a Platform: The News Cycle.aoi.41.png.xcf
200112 Emergent Central Planning.xcf
191222 Anatomy of a Platform.png
191130 universal paradigm DATABASE.ods.pdf.xcf
[3] Ideologies & Operations -- Fundamentals [COR
160309 History, Macro-Micro -- politics-logistic
150403.2 Individualism - Tribalism.aoi.36.tiff.x
150221 labor credits framework for 'communist su
[20] Ideologies_&_Operations__Dynamics_2_of_2
140509 communist economy diagram UPDATE.xcf
[23] A Business Perspective on the Declining Rat
140415.2 Pies Must Line Up.xcf.jpg
120914 Text as noise LAYOUT.xcf
120702 The democratization of power...
Multi-Tiered System of Productive and Consumptiv
110211 Ideologies & Operations -- Left Centrifug
101216 Leftism -- Want, Get.aoi.04.tiff.psd
Political Spectrum, Simplified
090923 Humanities-Technology Chart 2.0
[28] History, Macro-Micro, black-and-white
[27] Humanities - Technology Chart
[25] The Role of Software in the Context of Comm
[22] History, Macro-Micro
[21] Ideologies & Operations
[19] Ideologies_&_Operations__Dynamics_1_of_2
[18] Ideologies_&_Operations__Dynamics_0_of_2
[17] Prioritization Chart
[16] Affinity Group Workflow Tracker
[15] How to Secularize Common Religious Terms
[14] Bloom's Taxonomy, Illustrated